iMapBuilder Online

Creates interactive maps directly in web browser, available anytime anywhere, no coding!

Cloud-based Interactive Map Creator & Image Mapping Tool


Latitude & Longitude coordinates
Share the map

Add locations on a map

You can add pins to denote various locations on the map.

  1. Select marker tool from toolbar.

Click on the map

Locating a place in the map to insert a point

  1. Click at the location where you want to place the marker.


Edit location markers

  1. Click edit button change the marker icon.

Edit location marker

Displaying the Edit Point dialog

  1. You can assign:
    • Label of the point.
    • Font Color, select a color from the Color Picker.
    • different tooltip styles for mouse event.

      mouseover/ mouse click info box

      Click Choose File to upload image in GIF/JPG/PNG format.

    • Choose a different icon to represent the point. iMapBuilder provides various icons including animated icons. Click Change and choose an icon.

      Select icon

    Selecting an icon

    You can click import icon to upload your own icon graphic. Click browse to locate your file and click OK.

    Uploading custom icon

    • Assign Category ID.
    • Change the size of the icon using scale in percentage.
    • Change the Position of the icon.
    • Define an action such as showing speech bubble or tooltip when mouse hover the point. After selecting the Action, provide a Description.
    • Define an action such as open a web page when the point is clicked. Select the Action, specify the URL and the Target.
  1. Click OK to apply the settings.

Display information for a location: Add info box or tooltip for points / markers of an interactive map.