iMapBuilder Online

Creates interactive maps directly in web browser, available anytime anywhere, no coding!

Cloud-based Interactive Map Creator & Image Mapping Tool


Latitude & Longitude coordinates
Share the map

Show content in an infobox on a marker

Add Mouse Over or Mouse Click action for map's marker from the Edit Point screen.

add mouse event for map's point

1. Edit MouseOver event for a map's marker
Supported events are: show info box, show speech bubble, show text box, show tooltip

Add mouseover speech bubble for map's point
Add mouseover speech bubble for map's point

Add mouseover text box for map's point
Add mouseover text box for map's point

Add mouseover tooltip for map's point
Add mouseover tooltip for map's point

2. Edit Mouse Click event for a map's point
Supported events are: show info box, go to URL address

3. Add a single image in map's popup info box, text box, speech bubble, tooltip
There are three ways::
- Upload an image file (for infobox)
- Load image from URL (for infobox)
- Add <img> tag manually.
Here is a sample code: ( Please fill in the full path, width & height values for the image)

<img src="" width="48" height="48" >

(For the 5th type of Mouse Over Tooltip, please start with a <br> tag if you are having the image on left side)

<br><img src="" width="48" height="48" >

add image in map's popup info window, tooltips
Upload / load image for an info box, or use <img> tag to show an image

4. Set orientation for point's popup info box of a map

set orientation of map's popup info window

map's point set click to open a webpage, set orientation of popup info box

5. Redirect map's point to a website
Insert full path in the URL field for the browser to redirects to, when a point is clicked.

Related Information: Add points or markers on an interactive map