Draw line on a map

Using the line drawing tool in our map builder, you can show directions with arrows.

  1. Click on the line function at the top.
  2. You can choose different line style, color, thickness, start/ end symbol for the line. The software also allows users to add a hyperlink and mouseover tootips for the line.

  3. Click to start drawing a line, hold the button and release on a desired position, then click apply.

Draw path on a map

Use the path drawing tool to illustrate a journey with waypoints on a map.

  1. To add paths, you can click on the path function at the top.
  2. You can choose different line style, color, thickness, start/end symbol for the path. The software also allows users to add a hyperlink and mouseover tootips for the path.

  3. Mouse click to start drawing a path and double click to end it. Press Backspace key to remove the last node point and press [Delete] to redraw the whole path. If you want to continue an ended path, press Insert key to extend the path. And then click [Apply].

    path map