Bulk import data for a map
If you have an Excel spreadsheet file with list of locations and need to plot the on a world map,
( for example, to plot customers information onto a map ),
with iMapBuilder Online there are two solutions:
- Import the Excel data into custom Google map and automatically convert addresses into Geocodes, and then plot as markers.
- Import from CSV data file (CSV file can be generated by exporting data from Excel, MYSQL or other types of database using PHP script)
Import Marker Data File
iMapBuilder Online supports importing markers from data file. The specification for the data file is as follow:
Data file encoding: UTF-16LE (also know as UCS-2LE) with BOM
Format: Tab Separated Values
The field orders are as follow-
For Region Settings data import format:
Column | Field |
Type | Value Range |
1 | Land ID | string | [any string] |
2 | Land Name | string | [any string] |
3 | URL | string | [any string] |
4 | URL Target | string | [ _self / _blank] |
5 | Default Color | color scheme | [000000 to FFFFFF] |
6 | Mouse Over Color | color scheme | [000000 to FFFFFF] |
For Heat Map data import format:
Column | Field |
Type | Value Range |
1 | Land ID | string | [any string] |
2 | Land Name | string | [any string] |
3 | Heat Value | integer | [any numeric ] |
For Group Highlight data import format:
Column | Field |
Type | Value Range |
1 | Land ID | string | [any string] |
2 | Land Name | string | [any string] |
3 | Group Highlight Value | integer | [any numeric ] |
Instruction for Excel users
You may use Excel to prepare your data file and export it to a compatible format as above, the step are as follow:
1. Arrange your data field according to the field orders table above.
2. From File Menu, choose Save As.., then select "Unicode Text" from the "Save as type" drop down box. Finally press Save.
Instruction for Open Office Calc users
You may use Open Office Calc to prepare your data file and export it to a compatible format as above, the step are as follow:
1. Arrange your data field according to the field orders table above.
2. From File Menu, choose Save As.., then select "Text CSV" from the "Save as type" drop down box.
3. Check the Edit filter settings checkbox and click "Save"
4. In the "Export of text files" window, select "Unicode" in Character set, "{Tab}" in Field delimiter and clear the Text delimiter box. Press OK.
If you use other program to create the data file or manually create the file in notepad
1. Please make sure the proper encoding and format as stated above is used.
2. You may get an example of the data file by manually creating the markers in iMapBuilder Online, then use the "Export" tool to download the data file.