iMapBuilder Online

Creates interactive maps directly in web browser, available anytime anywhere, no coding!

Cloud-based Interactive Map Creator & Image Mapping Tool


Latitude & Longitude coordinates
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Sign Up and Login iMapBuilder Online map editor

You have to login to iMapBuilder Online, to access the functions. Launch iMapBuilder Online.

Registering a new account

If you are a new user, please enter your email address under the [New User?] box to sign up
  1. Enter Email.
  2. Click Sign Up.

sign up free account

Ensure that you provide a valid email ID. Your login credentials will be mailed to the email provided. After you receive the email, login to iMapBuilder Online.

Login to an existing account

  1. Enter Email.
  2. Enter the Password.
  3. Click Login.

login your account

Logging into iMapBuilder Online