Publish and upload a map


  1. From the File menu select Publish or click the button on Toolbar.

  2. Navigate to the folder where you would like to publish the map. Click New Folder to create if necessary. Click OK when done.
  3. If you are publishing to a place with existing files, it will ask for confirmation.


Your ultimate goal is to upload your map online on your web page and share with others.

  1. Below is the file publishing screen.

  2. Click FTP Setting to enter FTP information.
    (Please do not fill in http:// or ftp:// in the Ftp Host)

    Default Host Directory is the path to your root directory of your server, you can leave it blank if you don't have this information. (Usually, it would be /public_html, /htdocs, /var/www/html, you may contact your web hosting provider to get this information.)

    Ftp settings

  3. Select Remote Folder if necessary and click Upload to start.

  4. After upload completes, you can preview the map by clicking the generated link or you can modify the URL address if it is incorrect .

  5. The published map should consist of a (.htm) file and a folder named "imapbuilder".

    And the imapbuilder folder should consist of:
    • a XML file
      e.g. project1.xml or {project file name}.xml
    • loader.swf
    • map.swf
    • files (folder)
    • icons (folder)
    • modules (folder)