iMapBuilder Online

Creates interactive maps directly in web browser, available anytime anywhere, no coding!

Cloud-based Interactive Map Creator & Image Mapping Tool


Latitude & Longitude coordinates
Share the map

Draw area on map

You can add a rectangular custom region on the map. The Region dialog opens when you click custom clickable regions ( square).

Point & Label dialog

Displaying Point, Lines and Custom Region List

Actions Steps
To add a rectangular region
  1. Click custom clickable regions ( square).
  2. Go to the map.

click to draw

Locating a place in the map to insert a rectangular region

  1. Click at the location where you want a rectangular region and draw the rectangle. A rectangle appears on the map, the Rectangle Region dialog opens, and an Item is added to the Region dialog.


Displaying a rectangular region on the map

item list: rectangle

Displaying an item added to Region dialog

  1. Change the properties of the rectangle by modifying the options in the Rectangle Region dialog. See the section To edit the rectangular region for details.
To edit the rectangular region
  1. Click Edit point for the rectangle you want to edit. The Rectangle Region dialog opens.

edit rectangle setting

Displaying the Rectangle Region dialog

  1. You can:
    • Assign Category ID.
    • Change the Name of the rectangular region.
    • Change the Normal Color. Click the color and select a color from the Color Picker.
    • Increase or decrease the Normal Opacity.
    • Change the Highlight Color. This is the color that will be displayed when you hover the mouse over the region. Click the color and select a color from the Color Picker.
    • Increase or decrease the Highlight Opacity.
    • Change the Border Color. Click the color and select a color from the Color Picker.
    • Increase or decrease the Border Opacity.
    • Define an action such as showing speech bubble, tooltip, or textbox while hovering the mouse over the rectangle. After selecting the Action, provide a Description.
    • Choose Show Info Box (with left image)/(with top image) if you want to display image along with the text. Click Upload to upload image.

      edit infobox

      Click Choose File to upload image in GIF/JPG/PNG format. Click OK to proceed.

      upload images to infobox
    • Define an action such as open a web page when the rectangle is clicked. Select the Action, specify the URL and the Target.
  1. Click OK to apply the settings.
To delete a rectangular region
  1. Click Delete point for the rectangular region you want to delete. The region will be deleted.