iMapBuilder Online

Creates interactive maps directly in web browser, available anytime anywhere, no coding!

Cloud-based Interactive Map Creator & Image Mapping Tool


Latitude & Longitude coordinates
Share the map

Map zoom control settings

The "Allow Zoom" button enables or disables the option to zoom. If the option On is selected, you will able to zoom in or zoom out the map.

The "Click To Zoom" button enables or disables the option of click zoom on the relative region. If the option On is selected, you will able to click on a region, and the map will zoom in automatically.

Map Properties - zoom function

Displaying the general map properties

Colorize Pan/ Zoom Control Panel

You can also customize the color of the Pan/Zoom Control, and choose it's display position (left/right).

1. Select a Color Theme for the Pan/Zoom Control:
select color theme

Or Customize your own color for the Pan/Zoom Control:
customize zoom bar color

2. Set the orientation of the Pan/Zoom Control
zoom control orientation

Example of customized color Pan/Zoom Control with heat map - Europe Map with Country Abbreviations
map sample with zoom control