iMapBuilder Online

Creates interactive maps directly in web browser, available anytime anywhere, no coding!

Cloud-based Interactive Map Creator & Image Mapping Tool


Latitude & Longitude coordinates
Share the map

Menu bar introduction

The standard menu options are available. Let's explore the menu options in this section.

Showing the menu options

Click this icon to go to the home page of iMapBuilder


The File menu has options to create a new map, open an existing map, save and publish the map, and so  on.

Showing the options of the File menu

File Menu



Opens the New Map dialog. Select an existing template or choose to upload a custom image.

TIP - You can also create a new map by clicking the New icon .

For more details, see Selecting Template.


Opens the Open dialog displaying the list of saved maps. Select  a map from the list.

TIP - You can also open an existing map by clicking the Open icon  .

For more details, see Selecting Template.

Save Opens the Save Map as dialog.


Saving the map

Enter the File Name and click OK. The map is saved.

TIP - You can also save a map by clicking the Save icon .

Note that using the trial version, you can only save up to two maps. Upgrade or sign up to increase this limit.


Publishes the map and provides the link that can be sent through email and the code that can be embedded in a Web site.

Displaying the published code


Logs out the user.


Closes the application.



The Account menu has options to change password and upgrade or renew your account.

Showing the options of the Account menu

Account  Menu


Change password

Opens the Change Password dialog.

Enter the New Password and Confirm the new password. Click Save. You can login the next time using this new password.

TIP - Ensure that both the passwords match.


Redirects you the Buy Now page of the iMapBuilder, so that you can compare the payment plans and upgrade or renew your membership.



The Modify  menu has options to change the map properties and country/ state properties.

Showing the options of the Modify menu

Modify  Menu


Map Properties

Opens the Map Properties dialog, allowing you to change the properties of the map such as background, highlight effects, tooltip, colors, and so on.

For more details, see Map Properties.

Country/ State Properties

Opens the Country/ State Properties dialog, allowing you to provide the URL, target, an change colors.

For more details, see Country/ State Properties.



The Help  menu provides the online help, details on iMapBuilder Online, and the option to download the Windows version.

Showing the options of the Help menu

Help  Menu


iMapBuilder Online Help

Opens the Online Help of iMapBuilder Online.

About iMapBuilder Online

Displays the version of the iMapBuilder Online that you are using.

Displaying the version of iMapBuilder Online

Download Windows Version

Redirects you the Download page of the iMapBuilder from where you can download the trial version of iMapBuilder software for windows to your desktop.