Plot points on a map using latitude and longitude coordinates
iMapBuilder offer maps support adding locations using Latitude and Longitude coordinates, which is suitable for pinpointing city locations, displaying branch offices across the regions, or showing an absolute location of a particular place. It allows you to import data from an Excel spreadsheet file.
1. Select a map template that supports Lat / Long to get started.
2. Click "Import" button from Toolbar, click "Points".
3. Click "Import File" button and click "Browse" to load your data file.
The supported data file is in Unicode text format (.txt), you can find this format in Excel.
You may also download the sample file as a reference.
4. Click "Delete" to remove unwanted item or click "Apply" button to proceed.
Major columns of data file
Column | Description | Sample |
category ID | For markers filter - controlling visibility by category | 0 |
scale | Icon size in percentage, ranges from 1 to 300. | 100 |
latitude | You are required to convert into decimal degree format first. Range from 90 to -90 where N is positive and S is negative. |
29.762778 |
longitude | Range from -180 to 180 where W is negative and E is positive |
-95.383056 |
icon | bulb-yellow | |
font color | 000000 | |
mouseover description | The description text for the mouse over tooltip. | |
mouseover width | 250 | |
mouseover image src | | |
mouseover image x | 150 | |
mouseover image y | 150 | |
mouseover background | FF33CC | |
mouseover anchor | The anchor position of infobox, Value 1-9 where 1 for top left and 9 for bottom right |
1 |
mouse click link | The URL Address when mouse click the marker | |
mouse click URL target | The target for the URL Address, For example, _blank for new window, _self for same tab | _blank |
mouse click image Src | | |
mouse click image link | |