iMapBuilder Online

Creates interactive maps directly in web browser, available anytime anywhere, no coding!

Cloud-based Interactive Map Creator & Image Mapping Tool


Latitude & Longitude coordinates
Share the map

Select map template, import map image or load saved project

The Start Wizard would show when you login. It provides options to use a new interactive map or open an existing map.

start wizard

Actions Steps
To open a new interactive map
  1. Click Interactive Country Maps & Image Maps from the Start Wizard.

    select map template
  1. You can choose the map template area from the drop down box.
  2. Double-click an existing template or choose to import a custom image. The selected template opens.

Use the dropdown to filter the map based on categories.

Search the map's keywords in search box

To import a custom image
  1. Click New Interactive Map from the Start Wizard.

import custom image

  1. Double-click the Custom Image option. The Enter your image link dialog opens.
  2. Enter the Image URL or click Browse to upload an image and choose a file.
  3. Click OK. The selected image opens.

Use JPEG, GIF, or PNG images.

To open an existing map
  1. Click Open from the Start Wizard. The Open dialog displays the list of saved maps.

open previous maps

  1. Select a map from the list. The map opens.