Embed HTML5 Maps to Yahoo! Site Builder
Follow the steps below to embed the HTML5 maps to Yahoo! Site Builder.
- After creating the HTML5 Maps, publish the map project and then upload the map files to the server or web hosting.
- In the Publishing window, check the Use full path for the embed code and type the URL of the HTML5 map has been saved (For example: http://www.example.com).
- Click the Copy to Clipboard to copy the map embed code.
- Open the Yahoo! Site Builder, and then open an existing site or create a new site.
- Open the page tap that you want to embed the HTML5 map.
- Select the Insert menu at the top > select Code Elements > select HTML.
- A HTML Code window will be popped up.
- Paste the HTML5 map embed code in the window and then click the OK button.
- Square-shaped resize handles will appear. Drag the image to the desired size and to the desired location, and then release the mouse button to confirm the editing.
- Select Preview in Browser to preview the website with the embedded interactive HTML5 map.
* If you do not have a FTP hosting server, please try our Instant Sharing which can upload the map to our cloud server.
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