Data visualization heat map

Interactive population density heat map gives users an overview about population density in different parts of the world or within a country. With the help of heat map, users can understand more about the population distribution.

Here is an example interactive population map of United States, the region with the largest population (i.e., California) is displayed in red and Wyoming with the lowest population shows grey, while those in between are shown with colors that lie in between the two extreme colors. Place a mouseover on the WA, CA, CO, PA or NY for details.

  1. Click heat map settings tab and check enable heat map function checkbox. Choose the colors for highlight, start and end of gradient.

  2. Click fill heat map data button.

    set heat value for each region

  3. Add population in Heat Value column, and don't modify the ID and Region Name columns.

    You can import your data from an Excel Unicode text file (.txt) by pressing import from Excel or click paste all from clipboard button to paste the data from clipboard. You can also export the data to Excel by pressing export to Excel for calculations in Excel Spreadsheet.
    Click verify data to verify if the numbers are valid integer values.

  4. Click apply to save the settings, then the heat map will show up. You can see different levels of color gradient in different regions. As we use red to represent maximum value and grey to represent low value.

    interactive population heat map